About Us


Our principal solicitor Elie Jason Sirrie and the team are here to assist you with any of your criminal law needs. If you or your loved ones have been fined, arrested, or charged by police and bought before the Courts, our team will fight for your rights and interests.

We also provide general legal advice and consultancy on criminal or traffic law enquires. We will guide you every step of the way throughout the legal process from beginning to end.

We are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome for you.

There is no matter either too big or too small for our team.

We have a proven track record of success both inside and outside the Court room. Having represented clients in all courts and jurisdictions including the Local Court, Drug Court, District Court, Supreme Court, and High Court of Australia. Our team also regularly appears before the State Parole Authority.

We regularly negotiate with both the State and Commonwealth Police Prosecutors and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions to have your charges withdrawn or reduced to less serious ones if the circumstances permit.