Our Services

EJ Sirrie Defence Lawyers

Our team provide expert legal advice, defence and representations to ensure you get the best possible outcome for the following:

Traffic Law

Are you at risk of losing your licence due to a traffic law infringement, excessive speeding, or some other driving matter? If so, we provide expert legal advice on the penalties that may be imposed and how to maximise your chances of keeping your licence.

Licence Appeals

You may appeal a licence or registration decision in the Local Court if you have had your licence suspended by Police, received a letter from Transport for NSW about either a driver licence or vehicle registration decision, and the letter states you have the right to appeal.

Firearms and Weapons

It is an offence to use, supply, acquire or possess a stolen firearm or firearm part,
or to give possession of a stolen firearm or firearm part to another person. Our team are here to assist
you with expert advice to obtain the best possible outcome.

Sexual Assault Allegations

These crimes include sexual intercourse without consent, aggravated sexual assault, indecent assault and acts of indecency (these offences generally involve inappropriate touching, including genitals or other intimate areas or forcing a person to touch the genitals or intimate areas of another person).

Domestic Violence Related Offences and AVO’s

When a person gets charged with a criminal offence against a person with whom they share a ‘domestic relationship’, the offence will usually be filed as a domestic violence offence. Thus, acts of domestic violence may constitute other criminal offences, for example, Common Assault or Intimidation, where they are committed by one person upon another person with whom they are in a ‘domestic relationship’.

Violence related offending

These offences may include those who have assaulted their partner or children, been involved in a serious fight or fights, have committed violence within a gang context, have committed violence in course of a robbery, to those who have killed someone.

Drug Possession, Supply and Manufacture

For illegal drugs, common offences include, possession (this can include equipment for growing, making or using drugs), drug use, making drugs (this includes growing and manufacturing), importing, selling or supplying (known as trafficking).

Robbery, Break and Enter, and Stealing Offences

These offences occurs when the accused broke the seal of the property and gained access to a house, apartment, or other building, entered the premises, and. took away property without consent, intending to deprive the owner of it permanently.


This includes commit a terrorist act, plan or prepare for a terrorist act, finance terrorism or a terrorist, provide or receive training connected with terrorist acts, possess things connected with terrorist acts, collect or make documents likely to facilitate terrorist acts, be a member of a terrorist organisation, train with, fund, support or associate with a terrorist organisation.


A person who, by any deception, dishonestly obtain property belonging to another, or obtains any financial advantage or causes any financial disadvantage, is guilty of the offence of fraud. 


This is the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.


This is the crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or in
circumstances not amounting to murder.

State Parole Authority Matters

The State Parole Authority (SPA) makes decisions about the conditional and supervised release of inmates from custody, with community safety always the paramount consideration. The SPA makes parole decisions only for offenders serving sentences of more than three years, with a set non-parole period. Our team regularly appears before the SPA to push for the early release of our clients from custody.

Severity Appeals

If a person is found guilty or has pleaded guilty in the Local Court but believes that the penalty imposed is excessive, an appeal can be made to the District Court. Appeals must be lodged within 28 days of the Local Court handing down its decision. This type of appeal is known as a severity appeal.

Mental Health Applications

A mental health application is an application made to Magistrate for criminal charges to be dismissed without a conviction or finding of guilt. It is usually on the condition that a person complies with a mental health treatment or support plan, which can last for up to 12 months.